Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Coach that travels on water

No this is not another example of a dumb driver blindly following their GPS and ending up in a bit of bother ... its a coach which turns into a boat.

On land the AmphiCoach is like any other coach, it seats 50 people and is happy cruising down the motorway at 70mph.

But at the flick of a switch when driving into water the £280,000 vehicle retracts its wheels and uses an air-piston to power itself at speeds of up to eight knots.

Makers say that when on water the steering wheel makes way for a joystick and the ride is even smoother than that of a similar sized boat. Sounds ideal for a coach tour of Venice.

A spokesperson for AmphiCoach said they came up with the idea after noticing how neglected the amphibious vehicle market was.

"This is going to transform the world of city and harbour tours etc," he added.

"A new vibrant industry will be created offering investors excellent returns for their money.

"Soon people will no longer be satisfied with just a city coach tour, they will want the complete package, a city coach tour with a water cruise built in."


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