Friday, March 6, 2009

Eight Interesting albeit Odd Japanese Items

Now most Otakus out there know that Japan has some weird people working on the PR departments resulting in weird advertisement ideas. Many of them also know that there are some corporate fellas out there thinking up some weird products to put onto the market, needless to say there are quite and abundance of these unique items around. Here are 8 that I find to be pretty interesting albeit some are a little odd…

8) “Black Magic” Q-tips

Well Q-tips aren’t all that bizarre but this particular one is completely blackened. I have never seen such a product available and I am curious to why it is colored completely black. Although, I guess if you are going to clean your ears with that, the blackness will hide the dirtiness that is your ear?!? If anyone knows why, please let me know.

7) Sauce Dispensing Chopsticks

Sauce Dispensing Chopsticks, I wonder what genius thought of this one. It does seem interesting and I would love to actually own one of these, but I cannot help but feel something may go wrong with such chopsticks. Example: I am bringing the food up to my face but somehow accidentally squirt sauce onto my face…

6) Anime Condoms (For Otakus??)

Now everyone knows there are condoms of all different sizes and colors out there, ranging from the standard latex to gold (Color of the Champions!). However it seems in Japan, color just isn’t enough of a variation so they developed some more interesting versions. Now there are many different types of condoms out in Japan but this Anime one with the gundam-like things interested me the most. Now I am not sure if this is made specifically for Otakus (which would be weird, I assume most otakus would have a girlfriend let alone have sex…)

5) Skins Mobile, For those Sexy Phones

The only thing more weird than Anime Condoms would be condoms for Phones. Over half a billion condoms are sold in Japan each year but it seems the manufacturers still have extra supplies and are looking for new markets to alleviate the surplus. Witness “Skins Mobile”, basically condoms for your cell phone. Now I don’t know what you use your phones for but uhh…yeah…

4) Special Anatomical Pillows…

If the Japanese hug pillows aka dakimakura weren’t interesting enough (I kinda like those actually!), we now have pillows in the shape of body parts! I don’t think I need to write much about this…It is for the lonely individuals is all I have to say.

3) Boong-Ga Boong-Ga

Boong-Ga Boong-Ga is the first arcade game that combines assaulting assholes and fortune-telling. You select from eight characters like “Girlfriend”, “Mother-in-Law,” “Con artist,” and “Child Molester” and then you ram a giant plastic finger into an ass that protrudes out from the arcade unit next to the words “HAVE A FUN!! ENJOY.” As you poke, spank, and probe, the game plays an animation of your victim wailing in pain.” This kind of reminds me of some stories of a game Japanese children use to play in school called “Kancho,” where you shove your thumb or fingers up someones asshole… Best Game Ever??

2) Dolphin-Waxing Machine?!?

For those who do not know what Dolphin-Waxing means, it means to masturbate. It is a phrase that I picked up over at DannyChoo. This is for those who are too tired to do it on their own…so I would assume. How many people out there would actually buy this?!? Now I firmly believe that on the day that Humanity gets too lazy to even masturbate, we are definitely in trouble (Apocalypse anyone?!?).

1) A Male Phallus Snack

Yum!!! For those who did not already know, every year in Japan there is a festival honoring the male phallus. It is known as Kanamara Matsuri (Festival of the Steel Phallus) and is an annual Shinto fertility festival. Now I do not know if there is a specific name for this particular piece of dessert or whether there are other types but heh this is just so funny that it had to be number 1. I can just imagine all the little kids out there sucking on these things…..amazing how different cultures see things differently. You serve a child this in the US, be prepared for the the consequences.

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